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Golden Gate Learning Foundation
501(c)3 83-0951115

own your education.

GGLF empowers families to choose what’s best for their children by providing scholarship for classes, resources and STEAM programming.


Our Mission

GGLF provides financial assistance, educational enrichment and STEAM projects to students enrolled at Chronos Academy and their community.

Apply for Scholarship.




2022-23 Goal: $49,958

Help us reach our goal!

Since July 2018, Golden Gate Learning Foundation has awarded $166,232 in scholarships and funded family Maker events at local elementary schools throughout Marin County.


Help us reach our goal


APRIL 2019

Thank you so much for the scholarship. My daughter always has a wonderful time learning, interacting with her friends, and getting a breath and depth of education that can’t be found anywhere else.  All the Chronos Academy teachers are amazing!

Mom of 6th grader, Fourth year at Chronos

Chronos Academy has made a huge impact on our family as a whole. We are incredibly grateful for the scholarship to attend classes.

Mom of 3rd grader, Fourth year at Chronos



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Learn more about chronos academy

contact us for sponsorship & volunteer opportunities

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501(c)3 83-0951115